Student Safety Insurance Policy

This protections is accessible to schools, colleges or other instructive teach . The approach is issued within the title of the Institution. The claim sum is payable to the parent guardian as recorded within the school enlist . All understudies are to be secured . Extra understudies are secured amid the approach period at additional premium. But no cancellations are permitted .


The understudies are secured against passing , add up to misfortune of two appendages or two eyes, add up to misfortune of one appendage and one eye, add up to misfortune of one appendage or one eye and Changeless add up to and halfway disablement. For Passing PTD Capital Advantage i.e the Whole Back up plan , Misfortune of one appendage or one eye 50 of the Whole Back up plan , Lasting fractional disablement rate of benefits as per the table showing up within the Arrangement .


The understudies of the age bunch between 3 18 a long time should be secured beneath the School Understudy Security protections . The understudies between 15 25 a long time of age are secured beneath the College Understudy Security Protections arrangement . The Whole Safety net provider for Fundamental understudy protections cover for Passing and Lasting Inability varies for both understudy bunches .

Not Covered

  • Amid the period of inability , the understudy cannot claim numerous compensations from diverse clauses beneath the arrangement .
  • Claims that surpass the Whole Guaranteed beneath the approach .
  • Suicide endeavor , unlawful criminal acts, damage or misfortune caused due to the impact of drugs or liquor , madness , etc. isn't secured beneath this approach .
  • Any harm or misfortune emerging out of war or atomic exercises is additionally prohibited from the cover.