Educational Institutions

Educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and universities, encounter distinct risks and challenges that necessitate customized insurance coverage to safeguard their assets, students, staff, and potential liabilities.

Standard Fire & Special Perils Policy

It will provide financial protection for the property against Loss or Damage by fire and allied perils to the buildings and/or contents, Machinery and accessories, Stock & Stock-in-Process, Furniture & fixtures.

Student Safety Insurance Policy

The institute is responsible for premium payments, and in the event of a student’s death or disability, compensation will be provided to the student’s guardian or parent

Group Personal Accident insurance Policy

This Policy provides financial protection to a group of individuals against accidental injuries, disabilities, or death. It is commonly offered to employees by their employers, members of social or professional organizations.

Public Liability Insurance(Non-Industrial) Policy

This policy provides coverage for your legal responsibility for damages, including accidental death, bodily injury, or property damage sustained by a third party. It also offers protection for any legal expenses incurred in these situations, provided there is prior approval.

Group Health insurance Policy

Group health insurance Policy provides an affordable and tailor made healthcare solution for employees & their dependents with lower premiums and broader coverage compared to individual plans. The coverage is comprehensive, including hospitalization, outpatient care, and even maternity benefits. They Provide cover for pre-existing conditions with cash less facility for the Hospitalization.

School Buses and Vans Insurance

An insurance policy for passenger vehicles offers protection to the policyholder from damages or losses resulting from vehicular accidents. It also covers liabilities to third parties, including those to passengers.

Marine Insurance Policy

This Policy provides financial protection to a group of individuals against accidental injuries, disabilities, or death. It is commonly offered to employees by their employers, members of social or professional organizations.

Business Guard Insurance policy

Business Guard is an insurance product designed for business such as shops, lodging, health facilities, offices, restaurants, and educational facilities.Business Guard is also offered with coverage extension for your business, which can be tailored to your needs. The coverage can help you protect your business from unexpected risks and maintain stability for your business. Receive maximum protection with affordable premiums.

Group Term Insurance Policy

Group Term Life Insurance is a policy offered by organizations to cover a group of individuals, such as employees of a company, society members, or a group of borrowers, under a single contract. Here are the key points about group term life insurance: