Workmen's Compensation Insurance Policy

One of the key duties of an organization is to supply a secure and sound working environment. In an terrible occasion of an Representative enduring a real damage transitory or lasting , passing or Lasting add up to incapacity amid the course of work , the manager is legitimately at risk to pay stipend to the Worker beneath the Employee s Remuneration Act 1923 and consequent corrections of the said Act. Approach is issued on un named premise .


This Approach gives for lawful obligation scope for remuneration to workers for real harm or passing caused due to mishaps word related illnesses emerging out of and within the course of work . Cover is for Passing , Lasting add up to disablement, Changeless halfway disablement Transitory disablement. WC claims are for mischances inside work premises and amid work hours. In any case , they can moreover be for work related mishaps past the premises and some time recently or after official hours of work. At the time of harm , the worker must have been locked in within the trade of the manager and must not be doing something for his individual advantage . Furthermore , legitimate costs brought about are too payable.

More Covers

Approach can moreover be amplified to incorporate restorative use caused .


The whole guarantor is calculated on the premise of Profit . All people ought to be included within the arrangement . Determination of people is disallowed .


The premium rate depends on the occupation and compensation of the laborers . The term profit incorporates standard compensation compensation , extra time , esteem of boarding lodging, lodging settlement , reward and all perquisites, benefits or benefits in cash or kind. Premium as Per direct rate is to be charged on least month to month compensation of Rs 15,000.


  • Arrangement is issued on un named premise .
  • Nourishment and refreshments expansion .
  • Mechanical drainage , contamination and defilement extension.
  • Sports offices , swimming pool and other offices expansion .
  • Transportation expansion .
  • Act of God Dangers Overabundance .


Arrangement is subject to obligatory overabundance . Higher abundance picked on a intentional premise qualifies for rebate in premium.

Not Covered

  • War and Allied Perils
  • Exclusion of Employees Not Classified as Workmen Under the Law
  • Exclusion of Contractual Liability
  • Injury Resulting from Workmen Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
  • Willful Disobedience to Safety Orders or Rules by Workmen
  • Willful Removal or Disregard of Safety Guards or Devices by Workmen